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We'll be on the green soon!

Updated: 5 days ago

We are getting quite excited now at Tetbury Bowls Club as the start of the season draws nearer. The green is looking good after all the winter maintenance and the newly refitted and refurbished ladies and gents toilets are nearing completion, big thanks to all those members who have made this possible. In preparation for our Opening Gala on Sunday the 13th of April we are having a big spring clean where volunteer members, both playing and social, turn up to ensure everything is sparkling for when we open the green.

Our fixtures list is sorted and we are looking forward to meeting friends, old and new, from other bowling clubs in the area, sporting our new navy and gold team kit!

On the social side we have had some good fun Friday evenings with quizzes, games and bingo, £250 jackpot still not won, with delicious food from Chris and very reasonably bar run by Dawn. Pool nights on Wednesdays and bacon butties Sunday mornings also proved popular with some of our members.

There are lots of events planned for the summer months too, including a Race Night on the 31st of May, Corporate Day on the 8th of June and an auction in August to raise funds for our new kitchen. More information on those closer to the time.

Over the winter members of the committee have been putting together a collection of old photographs of past players to go on display in the club room. We will need the help of some of our more longstanding members to identify some of the past players but it will be interesting to have some of our history available for all to see.

We have several open days planned for those who would like to come and have a go and see for themselves why we enjoy this friendly but competitive game. I heard a DJ on the radio a couple of weeks ago laughing with a caller about how bowls is only for old people. Those of you who play or have watched the competitions at Potters will know this is not true, it’s a game for all ages, with our oldest at 93 and our youngest at 11. Come and see for yourselves on either the 11th of May, the 1st of June, the 21st of June and the 20th of July. We will also be taking part in the Big Bowls Weekend at the end of May. Watch the Advertiser next month for more details.

Tetbury Bowls Team


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