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News from the Chair 3


The Management Committee met on 9 March and had a focus on getting ready for the new season whilst keeping in touch with the members on the many social events at the Club. Bingo and quizzes have remained a key feature and the Sunday coffee mornings, with bacon rolls, has proved to be a good initiative by Chris Bridgeman.

Keeping in touch with members during the closed season is a vital part of Club life and the Committee would like to hear from the membership on any ideas of what we can offer during the winter months. All ideas will be considered. Just let me know.

Before we open the season with the Opening Gala on Sunday 16 April, we need to give the Clubhouse and changing rooms a spring clean. Angela C will be writing to you separately with details of how you can help out. Key dates are Sunday 25 March and Sunday 2 April.

Rich Thomas has sourced 10 new flower pots from Yorkshire Flowerpots. These are planned to be placed around seating on the newly developed area on the far left side of the green. Rich is personally supplying the compost for the pots and if you would like to contribute bedding plants then please let Rich know.

One item I have been looking at is the possibility of having a bowls trip to Portugal in the Autumn of 2024. We have a travel agent who is willing to manage such a trip. The cost is likely to be around £760 per person for flights, accomodation, transport, food and games of bowls. Please let me know if you think you might be interested in such a trip.

We have held one evening coaching session on building a head and tactics and the next one will be on Thursday 13 April at 7 for 7.30 with the topic of measuring and etiquette. No need to book, just show up.

Susanne has created a new section on our Club site "Sign Up Sheets" which allows for bowlers to indicate their availability to play matches. You will be able to see who else has put their name down for the various matches.

I will conclude this newsletter by joining so many of you in sending condolences to Jan Yates and family on the sad loss of Adrian. He will be sadly missed.

Keith Glassbrook

Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club


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