Produced in March Issue, Tetbury Advertiser

Lawn bowls is one of those sports that often confounds non-players, so we thought we’d share some of the questions we often get from those interested in joining the fun.
What’s the aim of the game? ~ To get your bowl closest to the jack (the small white ball) to win the point. Not easy when the bowl curves due to the bias!
Who can play? ~ It’s a sport for everyone. Any physique, any ability, and any age – it’s easy to learn and doable by most.
Isn’t it just for grandparents? ~ Definitely not! Our youngest member is 9 and the oldest is in their 80s. Our membership is very diverse and inclusive of all ages and abilities.
What benefits will I get? ~ There are so many! From improved fitness, hand eye coordination, and mental stimulation (there’s a lot of strategy involved) to enhanced mental wellbeing, confidence, and self-esteem. Not to mention a great sense of community.
Is it very competitive? ~ If you want it to be, as you may wish to play on a league or county team. Or it can be a friendly game where you meet new people, relax, and enjoy getting outdoors.
When can I play? ~ The green’s going to open soon! From April through September, our fixtures list is packed with fun and competitive events alike. Highlights include our annual Open Taster sessions (end-April) and the Bowls Big Weekend national event (end-May) where we invite everyone to give lawn bowls a go, and a Glos ladies county friendly match against Berkshire in June. And members can always ‘roll up’ anytime during the week when there’s a rink available.
Can I just watch? ~ Yes, by all means. We welcome visitors, although we suggest becoming a social member so you can stop by anytime we’re open to watch and have a drink. You’ll also be invited to our social events.
Hopefully, YOUR question has been answered. If not and you’d like to learn more, visit our website at or email us at
Susanne Knaus
Tetbury Bowls Club